Guest User

Guest User

   How often do you want to quit?  Michal Molcan is the editor of the Standart magazine. And a dreamer too! He kind of did the impossible: Michal started a niche magazine about coffee and has made it to be a well-known brand, publishing in d

How often do you want to quit?

Michal Molcan is the editor of the Standart magazine. And a dreamer too! He kind of did the impossible: Michal started a niche magazine about coffee and has made it to be a well-known brand, publishing in different languages on different continents holding a strong yet nomadic team spread globally... His print runs are strong and growing, magazines are read in coffee shops in London and New York, yet he lives in Prague and loves running away to work retreats in nature. I had only one question for him: HOW? How did you build such a strong business?

Also, a founder myself (I'm guessing you guys reading are founders or freelancers too) I was curious to know how many times it felt too hard and too much? How many times did he want to quit?

It's a good episode. I highly enjoyed it. And I think you will too.

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