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Andrei Lasc: start small & go big

Guest User
Andrei Lasc: start small & go big

Growing up in a Romanian village Andrei Lasc knew very well how to plant veggies and look after baby ducks. Yet, the 9-year-old Andrei had no clue who Eminem was. 

How did a guy from the middle of nowhere become a leading copywriter and art director in Bucharest?

It’s a story about hard choices - Andrei always knew he wouldn’t be happy in a stable job. Even if that job would be in one of the best creative agencies. And a well-paid one. When your heart tells you it needs freedom over security, you better listen. 

This is a story about working for yourself because you simply have no other choice. Some minds aren’t made to find comfort in office jobs. 

In this episode, Andrei shares his tips and tricks on how to start small and become big, and how to deal with the financial instability that comes with the package.

Also a special thanks goes to, beautifully designed and an incredibly easy to use platform to create your own website. Use code DOWHATYOULOVE to get 30% off.


Huge thanks goes to our team:

Linas F Tee for the soundtrack

Kata Bitowt for editing and sound quality

Hosted by Rasa Jusionytė